The 10 most overused LinkedIn buzzwords
I'm sure these 10 words are also overused on resumes.
The article is worth reading, it discusses each of those tired, boring words and gives tips for replacing those infamous and inadequate words.
Here are the 10 unworthy words:
- motivated
- passionate
- creative (Be creative and use another word.)
- driven
- extensive experience (Okay, that's really two words.)
- responsible
- strategic (Unless you work in strategic planning, in which case it's impossible to avoid; just don't say you're a "strategic thinker". Or "thought leader". That's not on the list but should be. You might as well say "I'm admired by millions, who wish they had thoughts like mine". Did you hear that sound? It was your resume being crumpled up and thrown in the trash.)
- track-record
- organizational
- expert
Now, I need to go check my LinkedIn profile and see how many of these I'm using currently.
I really hope I didn't use "thought leader".
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